Producing the best

Etco is owned by industry for industry. For the last 30-plus years we have been channelling any profits back into developing industry training. Skills Consulting Group owns Etco and Master Electricians, the industry association for NZ electrical contractors is a stakeholder.

Our mission: Develop and educate people to be the best in our industry

Our vision: To be recognised leaders of excellence in our industry

Our commitment to producing the best has helped thousands of Etco apprentices and students achieve outstanding results in industry competitions, national exams and across our industry. We are proud of our staff, our Board and our hosts for their commitment and expertise, which leads to exceptional results for our business, our apprentices and our students.


How we do it

The core values we are committed to embedding in everything we do are for us to be Energised, Caring, and Grounded (ECG).

Apprentice training is a combination of on-the-job training through placements with electrical companies and contractors, and off-the-job training. This involves study at home, attending our night classes and block courses at one of our eight training centres. Apprentices receive extensive instruction, supervision and support throughout all stages of their training which involves a series of assignments, assessments and examinations.

For qualified tradespeople, we offer practical assessments; courses on theory, and regulations; and industry mandated competency courses.




We’re future focused

The 2020 government Review of Vocational Education, the Covid-19 pandemic and its long-term global impact . . . the world is changing rapidly.  There is one constant, however – the demand for skilled tradespeople. Etco is ideally positioned to continue to meet the needs of the sector, our host companies and aspiring electrical apprentices.

Our training facilities are world class, our tutors are the best in the business and our training material is now fully digital.

We’re constantly in touch with, and listening to, the needs of our stakeholders – schools, parents, electrical companies and contractors, partners, sponsors and government. This engagement ensures we secure the best candidates and work placements, and deliver the highest standards of training.


ERR Report


Management team

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